I've tucked a water bottle into the blanket wrapped around my body. A hot steaming cup of matcha latte replaces my iced coffee lattes. I hear the gusty rain outside while typing this. Hello winter! You've arrived.

A personal update

With another world crisis demanding our attention, I sway between days full of despair and those where I’m hopeful for humanity. Overall, I lack the words to express what I feel. And there are many more eloquent and better voices to learn from in this situation. I dug into alternative news sources and mainly read, listen, and do what I can (donate, attend vigils, reach out to friends and colleagues).

On the personal front, we're looking to move from South London to North East London. And that's not a small distance. It takes us 1.5 hours to get there by public transport (that's London for you!). The housing market in London is a mess (to put it lightly!), so we've been spending every Saturday viewing apartments while scanning the house ads during the week. I lost count of how many places I've seen now. 17?! It's a part-time job on its own!

On the professional front, I had a few busy weeks managing my "career portfolio". You know by now that I'm passionate about embracing the portfolio life. While it's hugely fulfilling, I'm not one to say it's not challenging at times. You can get peaks and must get through them. In October, I onboarded new coaching clients, needed to make headway on two consulting projects simultaneously and also had a few webinars/podcasts that I (co-)hosted.

Here's how I handle such periods:
  1. I triage my priorities every week. Mostly Friday evening for the week ahead. I try my best not to jump on only "urgent" tasks but also consider (long-term) important ones. A delicate balance!
  2. I build out my schedule on Google Calendar (I wrote about how I do it on my blog.)
  3. I reduce my evening social activities as I know I'll need rest after a busy day.

What's your 'go-to' strategy to manage a heavy workload, ?

Upcoming event "A life of impact", 21 November, 12.30 pm UK (max 25 participants)

As my community, you've first mover advantage to grab one of the limiting spaces on this free event (before we open it up to the public next week).

Have you thought about what a life of impact means to you?

When Vicki Prais - international human rights lawyer, consultant and career coach - connected, the theme of a life of impact quickly emerged.

We decided to host a conversation on this very topic: "A life of impact" on Tuesday, 21 November - 12.30pm UK

This conversation is for you if you want to explore what a life of impact means to you - in a welcoming, safe and reflective space. We'll dive into:
  1. What is a life of impact?
  2. What can the science of human flourishing tell us?
  3. What do you want to offer the world in terms of the impact you make?

We'll have a max of 25 participants. This will be a live, unrecorded event held zoom. As this is an interactive conversation, be prepared to be on camera and participate in breakout rooms.
Join us. You can register for your free seat on my Calendly.

Be well,

P.S: If you want my 7 questions to choose a coach, I've listed them here. And if you’re ready and want to be intentional about your career and life in 2024, you can always book a free 45 min discovery call.

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