
 and the five strategies I used to prepare – that you can use too!

Yesterday, I was invited to audition for a workshop facilitator role with The School of Life. It’s an organisation I followed since 2012. I love their content, their values and what they stand for. A few weeks ago I saw they had a recruitment drive for workshop facilitators for their business programmes. I didn’t hesitate twice. I applied.

I had to perform and be my best.

I'd love to get the gig. BUT: I don't know (yet) whether I'd get the job. Fact is:
  • I might not be who they are looking for.
  • I don't know the competition.

And that's the same for any opportunity you have in front of you.

You can't control the outcome. But you can control the input.

This opportunity was “high-stakes” for me. I wanted to do well, because working with them would be amazing. I took my own 'coaching pill'.

I teach my clients tools and practices. This is how it looks in practice.

1. I believed in myself. I know I'd add value to the team. That I have what it takes. If you don't believe in yourself, how will others? (NB - this is not a ‘cocky’ attitude, but a calm, assured self-assessment.)

2. I executed my game plan. I prepared thoroughly. I did the required research. I played scenarios. I practiced. And then practised again and again.

You can build self-belief. I explain how, plus give you my game planning template (for building confidence) in this course.

3. A week ago, I started visualisation. I imagined the room. The people. How I'd move around. I went through the whole content with closed eyes. I prepped my brain to feel at home when the time came.

4. Daily, I managed my nervous system. It's normal to be nervous. Yet, we don't want to be overrun by nerves in the moment. I use a mix of grounding exercises, EFT (emotional freedom technique) and invocations to bring forth my calmest, present and open self. I did that even 5 minutes before I got called in.

5. I had fun! I felt hugely honoured to be invited to the audition. I loved prepping the content and facilitating the actual session. I buzzed after the session.

Could I have done some things better? Yes.
Will I reflect on what I can do better? Yes.
But am I proud of my performance? Absolutely.

I don't know the outcome of the audition yet. You won't know the result of the job interview, the funding pitch, or the client pitch either.

All you can do is do your best. And be proud of yourself.

How do you prepare for a 'high-stakes' event?

P.S. I don't think that any of this comes naturally to me. Just 5 years ago, I'd had a completely different experience after such an event. I had to learn all of the above, too. If you want to be your best and be proud of yourself after "high-stakes" events, then start coaching with me. I'll show you everything I know.
A couple of short reads:

And a longer listen ... if you're a German speaker and like podcasts, listen to the episode “Karriere im Ausland” on the (Austrian) podcast “Baba Hamsterrad, Servus Berufung”, where I unpack my many moves abroad. [i.e “baba” means goodbye in Austrian dialekt].

Have a lovely rest of the week,
And whenever you're ready, book your free 45-minute coaching discovery call.
We'll discuss your biggest challenge and clarify what overcoming that would look like. Then, if we're the right fit, we plan out your bespoke coaching journey. No strings attached.
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