I was walking down Kelburn Parade in Wellington at 5:30 a.m., on my way to the gym. I had hardly slept.

My mind was racing. "I need a job" was all I could think of.

In May 2006, I moved from Austria to New Zealand to take an unpaid NGO job. I moved for the adventure, the new beginning and the purposeful task of growing the NGO's portfolio. I always knew I needed to find a paid job to cover my living expenses, but I didn't think it would be that hard. Two months later, the thought hit me: I can't stay if I don't find a paid job soon.

I followed a strong intuition when I accepted the role. In my heart, I knew it was the right move for me. This is what I wanted to do next.

But here I was, coping and adjusting to a new situation in the unhealthiest ways: crippling anxiety, sleepless nights, worries, stressing out.

I responded the only way I knew: doing more, working harder, tightening my grip.

It all worked out in the end. I got a project analyst role for a year. And then they invited me to stay. I ended up staying in New Zealand for 2 more years after that. For a few years, these habits, thoughts, and ways of coping were forgotten.

But then came other situations.

… When I moved to the UK to start a new job in a new company. Not knowing anyone socially, I felt lonely and out of place in a new work environment. I threw myself 200% into work.

… When I moved to Myanmar for my partner's job and went freelance. The loss of "my identity" and the unfolding gap in "things to do" showed me point blank my skills gap to manage this transition.

In all those situations, the automatic, unhealthy coping mechanisms came back.

I actively chose these situations, yet I was not equipped to handle 'the gap' between the person I wanted to be(come) and the person I was right then.

I never learned the skills to cope with uncertainty, manage stress healthily, remove attachment, calm the nervous system, and distinguish between what needs focus and what needs letting go. Not to speak for trusting yourself and your abilities along the way.

As I build my coaching business, I'm doing things differently for the first time.

Of course, there are still days when the coping mechanisms and anxiety come back. I'm human, after all. And I've lived with these mechanisms for 40 years. But now I have the arsenal of skills, tools for self-awareness, and perspective to not fall back into my old patterns, reframe, or snap out of them.

I see the same in my work with clients: 80% of the coaching focuses on building their arsenal of skills to make possible what they want next in their careers. The remaining 20% are the strategy and plans for what, where, how, and when.

What skills do we need to cultivate a dynamic, ever-evolving career?

And what do we need to build these skills?

The future of fast-paced work demands that we reinvent ourselves many times over. If you're 40 years old today, you can expect to change jobs 7-9 times until you retire. And you might have up to 4 different careers in your lifetime. I've had 2 career reinventions to date, and I'm confident this will not be my last.

Particularly within international development, humanitarian aid, and impact-focused work, the shifting landscape of global challenges demands agility, innovation, and interdisciplinary approaches, which often diverge from conventional career trajectories.

The growing and shifting social and environmental problems ask us to stay agile and respond in new ways.

Do you think you have the skills to reinvent yourself repeatedly in your career, ?

I'd love to hear your thoughts,


And whenever you're ready, book your free 45-minute coaching discovery call.
We'll discuss your biggest challenge and clarify what overcoming that would look like. Then, if we're the right fit, we plan out your bespoke coaching journey. No strings attached.
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