I hear the heating turn on. I shuffle under the thick duvet. Open my eyes. Stare at the ceiling. It's 1 January. 2024. A new year. A new blank page. Yes.

But not right now. Anxiety hangs in the air. My holiday feels are over. I’m not even awake yet. Yet, it all washes over me in an instant. I need to get back to my to-do list. Need to make the most of 2024. Right now! Plan my activities. Reply to my unread emails. It's an instant urge to sit up, grab the phone, and enter work mode.

Not long ago, this anxiety would have me on autopilot for the rest of the day.

The anxiety was a by-product of my career pivot. Anything new, out of your comfort zone, will bring up triggers – thoughts and feelings that put you into self-sabotage mode. As much as you must learn new skills to succeed in your new career chapter, e.g. promoting yourself, you must add new skills to your repertoire to handle the self-sabotage that will show up in the process. It starts with noticing what comes up and having the tools to manage it. (hint: having a coach helps!)

By having the tools, I’ve had fewer mornings like this. Yet, occasionally, the anxiety pokes out from under the covers and wants to grip me.

On 1 January 2024, I instantly recognise the symptoms.

I undress the anxiety as quickly as a wet swimsuit after a swim in a cold pool.

I drink a glass of water. Concentrate on my breath. Close my eyes and let the thoughts wash away like the sea washes away footprints on the beach. I then meditate. 30 min later, my morning has shifted. Gone is the anxiety. Now it is 1 January 2024. A new year. A blank page. Another day of my holiday.
In my last newsletter, I shared my reflection questions for the year with you.

It so happens that 1 January 2024 showed me the primary shift for me in 2023: A definite shift away from my old self. Less self-sabotage and a more joyful experience.

Of course, other things happened this year. External things, which include:

  • Turned 40. Gosh!
  • Relocated my office to Vienna and Valencia for a few weeks at a time.
  • Started my bi-monthly (-ish) newsletter 'Fresh Trails'. Thanks for being here!
  • Hosted 3 webinars for my community.
  • Collaborated with fantastic colleagues (definitely do more of in 2024).
  • Guest hosted 12+ webinars with Devex.
  • Accumulated 450 hours by coaching fabulous international professionals to get clear and confident about their next work-life chapter.
  • Streamlined the back end of my business and processes. (no late-night admin!)

But what matters cannot be measured in successes or failures, material things or bank account balances.

The internal shifts determine our quality of experience at that moment and help us grow as a person.

So, removing all the external things, : What have you learned about yourself in 2023? What perspective shift did you have? What have you learned that you’ll take into 2024?
3 quick reads from my LinkedIn you might be interested in:

I hope you’re easing yourself in if you work again this week. Not everything has to happen in week 1 of 2024!

Be well,
And whenever you're ready, book your free 45-minute coaching discovery call.
We'll discuss your biggest challenge and clarify what overcoming that would look like. Then, if we're the right fit, we plan out your bespoke coaching journey. No strings attached.
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